Preliminary investigation of diet of free ranging drill monkeys was conducted at Afi
Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS), Cross River State, Nigeria. Indirect field observation
method of study was conducted using four pre-determined trails of 5km length. The trails
were followed from 8.00hrs to 11.00hrs and 13.00hrs to 18.00hrs every day for two weeks
to observe feeding trails of the drill monkeys. Data on plant species and parts utilized by
drills was collected based on foraging signs and/or food remains left along the trails. Only
fresh/new signs and food remains were recorded. Photographs of some food remains
were taken. Descriptive statistics were used to analysed the data. Results from the
investigation revealed that diet of free ranging drills of AMWS comprised of 48% whole
fruit, 18% mesocarp, 11% shoots, 11% bark, 7% leaves and 5% seeds obtained from 20
plants species belonging to 13 families. It was recommended that an all year round survey
of drill monkey diet at AMWS will provide more comprehensive information on food
ecology of the drills in the study area.
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