Every community has varying perceptions on disaster and therefore develop different mitigation efforts to overcome it. Social support is considered to be an important factor influencing an individual’s reaction to stress. This study is purely a qualitative research that aims at assessing the availability of social support for urban poor dwellers in the aftermath of a flooding incidence. Data was gathered through focus group discussions which involved a total of fifty-three (53) participants comprising of a minimum of six (6) people in each group in two urban poor communities. The results revealed the existence of the major forms of social support, formal and informal support, although very negligible. Regarding the sources of the support, the only formal support available was stones from the Assemblyman. Informal support from friends and religious bodies was also available for flood victims in Agbogbloshie. Flooding had a severe impact on the lives of these victims ranging from their social and economic lives to their psychological health. It is therefore recommended that, in order to help flood victims recover from this sudden distressing event, some form of tangible formal support in monetary terms be provided to them.
Keywords: Disaster, Flooding, Social support, Urban poor dwellers, Accra
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