
The stand structure of Onigambari forest reserve was evaluated to understand the intricate value of the natural forest in February 2021. Four 50 by 50 m transect line was laid systematically within the natural forest. One hundred and twelve tree stands were found within the study site. The following species recorded the highest diameter at breast height in the study site; Piptadeniastrum africanum, Triplochiton sceleroxylon, Cola gigantean, Scotelia coriacea, Sterculia tracagantha, Cola gigantean and Pinus caribaea. The following species recorded the highest mean heights across the study plots; Piptadeniastrum africanum, Triplochiton sceleroxylon, Alchornea laxiflora, Sterculia tracagantha, Scotelia coriacea, Cordia millenii, Ficus exasperata and Sterculia tracagantha, it is evident that these tree species have a major contribution to the structure of the natural forest. The diameter at breast height (DBH) class distribution was represented in an inverse J-shape which reflected the nature of the trees having a larger portion of the trees in the lower diameter class (91 out of 112 tree stands). In addition, the height distribution also recorded highest tree stands within the range of 15 to 30m height, this describes the structure of an average tropical rainforest, however, the lower number of trees encountered in the higher height class of trees signified a forest that is yet to attain its climax. The increased rate of logging and death of trees in the forest reserve is evident in its stand structure

Key Words: Flora, Forest, Girth, Dynamics, Species

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