In enhancing sustainable crop production through the adoption of eco-friendly pest management practice, integrated pest management (IPM) practice was introduced to crop farmers, including maize farmers, in Nigeria. The study therefore, used cross-sectional data collected from 400 maize farming households to investigate the effects of IPM on household food security. We determine the effect of IPM on households’ food security using Instrumental Variables (IVs) while endogeneity was corrected for. Results of analysis revealed that IPM adoption was influenced by education of household head (p≤0.1) and extension access (p≤0.05). Findings further showed that IPM had positive and significant effect on household food security in terms of calorie and protein intake as well as food expenditure. Therefore, maize farmers in the study area should be encouraged to adopt IPM for the purpose of raising household food security.
Key Words: Maize, Integrated pest management, Instrumental Variables, Food security
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