
As peri-urban regions undergo urbanisation, there arises a need to scrutinise the influence of modernization and urban expansion on traditional housing within these areas. This study delves into the web of spatial evolution within the housing development of Tse-Ayu village in Makurdi, Nigeria over 18 years. Employing a qualitative research methodology, this investigation seeks to delve deeply into spatial transformation in housing development within the study area. The research collected diachronic data from 2004 to 2022 utilising Google Earth’s historical imagery feature. This comprehensive data compilation enabled the observation of gradual shifts in housing development, building materials, and building typologies throughout this temporal spectrum. Additionally, the study conducted interviews with five key informant interviewees (KII), each with over 18 years of residency, to provide insight. Contextual analysis was subsequently conducted to decipher the emerging patterns and trends associated with the evolution of housing development. Findings unveiled a transformation in the housing landscape, characterised by an upsurge in housing density and a transition from traditional structures to contemporary buildings and materials. Changes were primarily motivated by practical considerations, including termite damage mitigation and the dwindling availability of thatch for roofing, alongside aspirations for enhanced living conditions and security.

Key Words:  Housing transition, Modernisation, Housing typologies, Traditional architecture, Peri-urban

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