Without gain saying, good leaders are very mandatory in leadership of cooperative societies for proper monitoring, efficient and also to make cooperative to be more effective. Poor leaders or leadership or management style destroy or bring backwardness to cooperative business so good leaders must be selected for the progress of cooperative societies. The study examined the factors affecting women participation in cooperative leadership positions. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed to select the sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents using a well structure questionnaire to generate the relevant information from the respondents. Data was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and inferential statistics tools. Despite the fact that women are largely predominant in cooperative membership and meeting attendance, many obstacles still pinned down women cooperators from cooperative leadership positions such problems including Gender inequality, Family responsibilities, Culture, Religion beliefs, Limited education, Lack of capital, Religion occasion, Poor leadership style, Lack of information and Business competitiveness. Therefore, the study recommended that cooperative societies should work to create a sense of awareness and chances for women about cooperative leadership positions. The inequality gender gap between women and men should be closed and educate them more and broaden their capacity as to break away from stereotypical behaviour.
Key Words: Cooperative Societies, Leadership, Women’s Participation and Positions
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