Study on influence of leaf litters on growth and yield of Abelmoscus esculentus-Heinsia crinita based ecosystem was conducted inSwamp Forest Research Station, Onne, Rivers State, Nigeria. A 2 x 3 experiment in complete randomised design with three replicates was used. Twenty grams (20g) of Allanblackia floribunda, Garcinia kola, leaf litters each and Control as treatments were applied in 4m x 4m plots within a block (16m x 16m) with a ride of ways of 1m in Abelmoscus esculentus-Heinsia crinita based plantation. Both Abelmoscus esculentus and Heinsia crinita morphological characters (plant height (cm), plant diameter (mm), leaf number, crown diameter (mm), crown depth (cm), leaf area and number of fruit and inernode) were observed to increased forthrightly. Results revealed that addition of Allanblackia floribunda and Garcinia kola leaf litters on Abelmoscus esculentus crop in Heinsia crinita based showed significant and non-significant different in growth performance on various crop attributes than control. This might be due to substrate quality of the leaf litters, which vary from plant to plant and also depend on weather condition. This study recommends leaf litters of various plants should apply in most arable crops, since it had proved effective in the performance of Abelmoscus esculentus crop.
Key Words: Heinsia crinita, Substrate, Leaf litter, Treatment, Crop attributes
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