At micro and macro levels, environmental disturbances affect enterprise performance; therefore, this study examined the effect of business environment on performance of Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) among women in Kaduna State. Using an opportunistic sampling technique, a sample of 240 small scale entrepreneur women were selected for the study. Descriptive statistics, perception index, and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression were applied for the analysis. The results show women with an average age of 48years and a school mean age about 8years. The OLS regression with an R2 value of 0.635 show that level of education (β = 29366.70, p<.05), household size (β = 25476.66, p<.01), employment status (β = 280870.66, p<.05), number of employee working with the business (β = 51955.43, p<.1), registration status (β = -170649, p<.1), Exchange Rate (β = -262359.35, p< 0.1) and estimated income (β = 0.42, p<.0) significantly influence the women’s performance in the area. Insecurity perception index (4.13) was significantly high indicating an unsecured business environment. The women were faced with constraints such as systemic corruption, high level of insecurity, poverty and unemployment, Conflicts among citizens, Limited infrastructure and indiscriminate proliferation and access to weapon by bandits. It was recommended that government and stake holders should provide adequate infrastructure, good security for lives and property, enhance availability of raw materials, establish foundations for empowerment of youths and women, enhance credit accessibility to women entrepreneurs, and enact policies that reduces inflation, transportation problems and creation of employment opportunities and Introduction of new technologies.
Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Environment, Profitability, Perception index and Women
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