
To assess the ambient air quality in the Nagothane industrial area in Raigarh district, Western India 12 sampling locations were identified within 7 km aerial distance of the industrial area. The ambient air quality monitoring was carried out in the winter season by continuous monitoring for Suspended Particulate Matter, Respirable Particulate Matter, Sulphur dioxide and Oxides of nitrogen by using High Volume Air Sampler and per the prevailing Central Pollution Control Board’s guidelines. In addition, hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide were also measured. The particulate matter was analyzed by gravimetric method, whereas wet chemical analysis for sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. The micrometeorological data about wind speed, wind direction, ambient air temperature and atmospheric relative humidity was measured by employing mechanical weather monitoring the situation. The mixing height was measured by the minisonde system. The results revealed the average air pollutant concentrations were within the permissible limit of National Ambient Air Quality Standards except for Suspended Particulate Matter. The Air Quality Index in all the sampling locations was in ‘good’ status thus minimal or no health impacts on the inhabitants of the study area. It is concluded that the industrial contribution to ambient air pollution is minimal. However, the calm conditions during the night time, inversion and valley-like terrain in the area may pose a threat by forming an air pollution episode-like condition and accumulation of air pollutants over the industrial area from night till morning. Further industrial expansion should be carried out by assessing the carrying capacity of the industrial area.

Key Words: Air quality, Industrial area, Nagothane, Raigarh, Western India

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