
Author's Guide

How to successfully publish your Journal

All papers should be clear and concise (word processed), double spaced on A4-size paper (210mmx297mm) on one side of the paper only; allowing wide margin on all sides.

Organisation of Manuscript

Manuscripts should be arranged in the following sequence;

  1. Title Page: This should contain the following information;
    • A concise and informative title of the paper
    • Name(s) of Author(s)
    • Address of institution(s) where research was carried out
    • Full postal address and email of corresponding author in case of multiple authors
  2. Abstract: Should be written in English and must not exceed 250 words. It should indicate the objectives, scope, major findings and conclusion of the study.
  3. Introduction
  4. Methodology
  5. Results
  6. Discussion: This may be combined with results
  7. Conclusion
  8. Recommendation: if necessary
  9. Illustrations: Each table, figure, plate etc. must be on separate page and numbered. All illustrations should be fixed within the text following the sequence in which they are referred.
  10. Acknowledgements: The contributions of persons or organizations to the research should be clearly stated.
  11. References: The APA reference format should be followed. Citations in the text should be by author’s names and year e.g. Ojo (2007) where it forms part of a sentence or (Raju, 2007) where it appears at the end of a sentence. For two authors, (Ojo and Raju, 2007) and et al; for citations more than two authors. (e.g. Johnson et al; 2006). Where reference is made to multiple authors a semicolon should separate them (e.g. Ojo, 2006; Johnson, 2007; Akoma, 2007).

    All references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically by author’s surname followed by initials under “References”


Each paper will be assessed by a minimum of two reviewers to be appointed by the Editorial Board. Final selection of papers for publication in the journal will be based on paper originality, technical quality, use of language and overall contribution to knowledge. Articles are accepted throughout the year. Paper prepared as detailed above should be sent to The Editor, Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management (EJESM) Email:

Subscription Rate

The rate of single issue including postage is US$25 for individuals and US$50 for institutions. All enquiries and correspondences should be directed to the editor