The study examined the housing satisfaction amongst women in Lagos State, the most populated urban centre in Nigeria where housing problem is prominent. Residents of two (2) housing estates (Millennium and Dolphin estates) constructed by the Lagos State Government between 1980s and 1990s but later sold out to private individuals were sampled using structured questionnaire. The study examined analyzed the socioeconomic characteristics of the women; the type and condition of their housing; the level of women residents housing satisfaction and the relationship between the socioeconomic characteristics and the housing satisfaction among the women in the study areas. The housing unit, neighbourhood, and management system were the indicators employed in determining housing satisfaction. Data were analyzed using descriptive, Likert’s Scale and Value System scale of measurement. It was discovered that most women living in both housing estates were middle and high income earners who were only fairly satisfied with their present housing conditions, environment and maintenance with residential satisfaction values ranging from 3.54-3.66. Causes of dissatisfaction for both estates were on health facilities and fire station services. The study reveals that, the older the women get in Dolphin estate, the more their concerns on safety and security. Research findings suggests that basic services and infrastructure facilities are crucial to housing satisfaction among the urban women. The study established that the major determinants of women residents housing satisfaction are the conditions of the building (doors, windows, roof, ceiling, ventilation, electricity and water supply, toilet facilities, kitchen facilities, bathroom facilities), Outdoor facilities (Parking and neighbourhood amenities) and Distance to other social facilities. The paper conclude that, there is need for more knowledge of the peculiarity of housing needs of women among policy makers, investors and housing developers as well as the involvement of women at all stages of housing provision in Nigeria.
Key Words: Housing Satisfaction, Women, Estates, Assessment, Lagos
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