
Trees species are very crucial parts of the ecosystem and they provide quantifiable and unquantifiable benefits. This study assesses the tree species with medicinal properties within Sudano-Sahelian region of Nigeria. The data was collected through field survey of the tree species; structured surveys questionnaires which were administered randomly to the traditional herbal healers within the study area; key informant interview guides and focus group discussions with the traditional herbal healers. The data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. The result revealed that total number of Twenty (20) tree species, Thirteen (13) families, Eleven (11) orders, and Two (2) life forms were encountered in this Study. The results revealed that 92% of the tree species are used for the treatment of skin conditions; 89% treats fever of different kind; 81% treats stomach ache, worms, dysentery, cholera, and diarrhoea; 64% treats sore throat, Cough, and tuberculosis; 57% treats pains, rheumatism, toothache, and headache; 48% treats asthma, catarrh, sneezing, and chronic bronchitis; 33% treats sexually transmitted diseases; 17% treats leprosy; 15% are used for Insecticides and Insect repellants; and 11% treats epilepsy. This study has shown that all the tree species encountered on the field has medicinal properties. Traditional knowledge about the medicinal properties of various tree species within the study area has been passed down from one generation to another without proper study and documentation. Therefore unravelling this information and document it for both the present and future generation cannot be overemphasized.

Key Words: Ecological Survey, Medicinal Properties, Traditional Healers, Tree Species

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