The study was conducted to compare the growth response of Parkia biglobosa and Azardirachta indica root system of the planting stocks through potting and seed bed. Seeds were sown in polythene pots of length (18cm) and diameter (14cm); filled with a mixture of top soil and sand at the ratio of 2:1 for pot experiment while seed bed at spacing of 1 x 1m on a plot size of 3 x 3m applied. Nine seeds were sown for each treatment for comparing between the seed beds of both species and potting study for the both species. Thirty six seeds were sown and early growth responses were monitored for twelve weeks. Morphological attributes such as root length and shoot height were measured with the aid of ruler. Data collected from the study was compared with the use to the independent T-test and descriptive statistic such as bar chart. The results revealed that pot experiment had the best performance for shoot height while seedbeds were efficient for the root development for both species. Therefore, seedbed is recommended for tree in savannah and dry season planting while the use of pot is better for the yield.
Key Words:Parkia biglobosa, Azardirachta indica, Root system, Planting stocks, Potting stage, Seed bed
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